Sunday, September 14, 2008

This week...coming at us fast!

It's Sunday, and it looks to be a busy week for the Holland's, which is nothing new. Brittany and Tyler have homecoming week at school. On Wednesday, they have camouflage day... Thursday, cowboy day....and Friday, green & white day. At least these are easy dress-up days. No going out to buy a ton of stuff just to look cute for a day. For that I'm thankful!! I'll put up pictures later this week.

Let's see what else... Shannon has to leave by 7:00 in the morning to go to Memphis, so I have to get the kids to school and then get to work by 7:30. My kids aren't even supposed to be dropped off until 7:30, but Britt is old enough to stay with Tyler, and the principal will be there. Even if I'm a few minutes late for work, it'll be
OK. My principal is pretty cool. Plus, I don't have duty this week. YEAH!!!

Tyler HAS to get his hair cut tomorrow. School day pictures are Tuesday. Both kids have dental appointments Wednesday afternoon, and I need to go soon myself. Tyler also has a project to complete by Friday. He has to create in paint, clay, sand, whatever... a body of water. I am still racking my brain to figure out what WE are gonna do. I'm not very artistic; luckily Tyler is. I just have to get the materials once we figure out what we are gonna create! This should be interesting and probably MESSY (which is Tyler's middle name!) He'll love it.

Besides the work, homework, housework...that sounds like our week in a nutshell. Hope you all have a good one.

1 comment:

  1. All that work should keep you busy, hope Gracie is all better. Be sure to send me pictures of their dress up day.
    All that work makes for a great Mom
    If that is true I should be a great Mom, too, cause I am still tired, and missing you all sooo much.
    Love ya bunches
