Friday, September 12, 2008

And Grace continues...LOL

I posted my blog the other day, "Just Call Me Grace," and since then things have been pretty much worse.  After my first fall, my back wouldn't stop hurting. It felt like someone was stabbing me through my right shoulder blade all the way through my chest. I just complained about it, of course, but tried to alleviate some of the pain with ice and then some heat. Nothing seemed to work. While at work Thursday, the pain was so severe, but I just kept going 90 to nothing all day as usual. My students kept reminding me how horrible I looked. {They like to tell me when I look  bad, but they do compliment me if I look good, too.} I was hurting, but didn't realize I LOOKED so horrible! Later, I did notice that I started getting light-headed. I would just slow down and hold on to my podium.... I just wrote it off as being exhausted and a bit stressed.

Not so... around 3:45 as I was preparing to leave work, I passed out...fainted...completely. Right in the middle of the floor (which is concrete). Everything I was carrying went flying all over the place, including my earrings and shoes. Luckily, one of my co-workers and a custodian saw me, so they came to my "rescue."  I was totally embarrassed!  Now, I have a goose egg along with a lovely blackish-blue bruise on my forehead. Shannon came to work and picked me up, and not long after being at home I fainted, yet again.  

This was the mystery!!! I didn't think that the fall that hurt my back a few days ago was causing fainting spells, so to the doctor I went today!!!  The back problem - no big deal - just a muscle spasm. The knot on my head from hitting the floor - no big deal - just UGLY!  The fainting, well there was a reason for that. MY HEART!!! (And Shannon said I didn't have It's not a big deal. The heart meds I have been on for years was causing my heart rate to beat too slowly, and when I would stand or get up from sitting, it would shoot up about 30 or 40 beats. This caused the fainting spells! So, I'm changing meds, and all should be good soon! I think I'll take it easy this  weekend. Maybe Shannon will do the housework! I wouldn't want to mop or clean the bathroom and fall out and get another ugly bump or bruise! LOL

1 comment:

  1. Wow Gracie, just take it easy this week-end. The heart is the main function and it has got to be o.k. and as for Grace, well just be careful and watch what you are doing. I sure hope today finds you feeling a lot better.
    I love you. and I hope Shannon and the kids are getting over the "BUG"
