Thursday, October 16, 2008

Curve balls!

Life sometimes throws curve balls at us when we are least expecting them. The most recent was that I ended up in the ER on October 4 with severe chest pains. I had been having some arrhythmias, but we were trying to control it with meds. The chest pains were totally new and very scary. My heart rate (pulse) was in the 30's. I had tons of tests run to check for a heart attack, but thank goodness that was not the problem.

I was admitted to the hospital and after numerous tests, the cardiologist performed a heart catherization to check for blockages and any heart damage. The results were great. So, the next day, after discussing all the possible solutions, I had a pacemaker put in. Besides the PAIN, the pacemaker is doing its job. My pulse, which was normally in the 40's, hasn't been below 60. That's what the pacemaker does....keeps it at 60 or higher. I believe that this was certainly the answer to my problem.

I have what's called Sick Sinus Syndrome, but now once I'm all healed from the surgeries, I'm gonna be like a new woman. I can't wait.

I am blessed to have a wonderful family and some awesome friends who care about me. I believe that all the prayers have been the key to the doctors finding out what was going on with my body and using their abilities to treat me correctly. God bless all of you!!

1 comment:

  1. Yes, we are so blessed having a wonderful Father, who knows our every need and hears every prayer. He knew us before we were formed and has all the plans for us, so I know that whatever happens God is always in control. He is an awesome God.
    Glad you are feeling better and I love you.
